Virtual Concert #2: A Halo Called Fred | Explore Warren


Virtual Concert #2: A Halo Called Fred

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic and restrictions on large gatherings, the annual Shippen Manor Lawn Concerts Series could not be held in 2020. However, the Warren County Cultural and Heritage Division of the Department of Land Preservation, a partner of the New Jersey State Council on the Arts, invites you to enjoy online concerts by the bands that were scheduled to perform. First up: A Halo Called Fred, a quirky quartet that performs songs about pirates, cavemen, and any body part or flying thing you can think of. Find their performance here. And stay tuned to Wanderings for the next Virtual Lawn Concert!

Shippen Manor

Shippen Manor is a c.1754 iron master’s residence built by Dr. William Shippen, Sr. The Shippens were socially prominent members of a wealthy Philadelphia family. The museum offers guided tours on the 1st and 2nd Sundays from May to December, except on holidays.

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