David's Country Inn | Explore Warren


David's Country Inn

David's elegantly restored Victorian mansion is for you and you only. Our specialty is that we cater to one wedding or party a day. For a quiet, intimate affair or a lavish celebration, your guests deserve the elegance and exacting service we provide in an atmosphere of gracious country hospitality.

The Warren House was named in honor of General Joseph Warren who died at the battle of Bunker Hill in 1775. Originally built of logs in 1787, the existing frame structure was constructed in 1840 and has served as an Inn for 152 years. In the early days it was a stagecoach stop. There were 24 guest rooms, two parlors, a bar and dining room. After several years of neglect, the building was purchased by Louis J. Falzarano, Jr. who transformed it into David's Country Inn in the spring of 1978.

For more than 38 years, the Falzarano Family has owned and operated David's Country Inn. Most of our friendly and experienced staff have been with us between 5-30 years. Since the day is exclusively for you, we can customize every detail to fit your needs.

Contact one of our catering directors, Chris Falzarano or Jordan (Falzarano) Ferrara or our event coordinators, Carolyn and Heather for a personal tour of the building at 908- 850-0224.

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