Cousins Maine Lobster @ Four Sisters | Explore Warren


Cousins Maine Lobster @ Four Sisters

Sunday, July 14, 2024 -
11:00am to 6:00pm

Name a better duo than a lobster quesadilla in one hand, beer in the other. Come hang out at Invertase and get an order of Cousins Maine while you're there.

You may place your order onsite at the truck (we accept cash or all major credit cards) or contactless through the mobile app: Cousins Maine Lobster. Set Trenton, NJ-Philadelphia, PA as location. App begins accepting orders at 12 p.m. & during operating hours only.

Due to high demand, ordering at times will be unavailable as we accommodate a large influx of orders. Cousins Maine do this to ensure the quality of their product and so that you receive the same great CML experience you are accustomed to.