United Astronomy Clubs of NJ, Inc. | Explore Warren


United Astronomy Clubs of NJ, Inc.

Free lecture on astronomy-related topic followed by observing on multiple telescopes. Lecture rain or shine; observing when sky is clear.


United Astronomy Clubs of New Jersey, Inc. (UACNJ) was formed in 1988 as a loosely associated networking group for New Jersey area amateur astronomy clubs. UACNJ itself is not a club, but a consortium of a dozen and a half clubs united to support, coordinate, and communicate ideas among over 1400 individuals who make astronomy their hobby, in and around the state.  Aerial View of UACNJ UACNJ helps promote and support amateur astronomy in the New Jersey area by representing its member clubs with its astronomical displays at major area events.  UACNJ holds April Astronomy Day and September Symposium events at the UACNJ Observatory. UACNJ maintains a Speakers' Bureau for member clubs, awards Messier, Asteroid and Spectroscopic Certificates to qualifying observers, and maintains a web site which provides information on member clubs and links directly to all their web sites.

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