Detox and Boost your Immune System – a Free Talk with Mary Moses | Explore Warren


Detox and Boost your Immune System – a Free Talk with Mary Moses

Saturday, May 18, 2019 -
3:00pm to 4:00pm

Do you suffer from seasonal allergies? Are you having surgery in the next few months? Do you catch colds every change of season? Are you looking for a painless, drug-free way to detox your body?

Come learn about your lymphatic (immune) system and how the light pressure massage technique, called ” Manual Lymph Drainage”, can increase the speed of your lymphatic fluid and have profound effects on your overall health. From edema to Alzheimer’s, this technique can improve your life! You will also learn a simple technique or two you can use on your own to help clear your sinuses and move the brain lymph.

All participants who leave their contact email will be entered to win a FREE Manual Lymph Drainage session with Mary and will receive Mary’s “Top 5 Natural Ways to Detox”. Mary is a Certified Manual Lymph Drainage Therapist.