Holiday Celebration & Craft Fair at Rutherfurd Hall | Explore Warren


Holiday Celebration & Craft Fair at Rutherfurd Hall

Sunday, December 3, 2023 -
1:00pm to 5:00pm

This free holiday event hosted by Rutherfurd Hall will include professional photos with Santa by One Part Rustic; horse and carriage rides; arts and crafts; dance performances; cookie decorating; face painting; games; holiday music; and pet adoptions through Cold Nose, Warm Heart Animal Rescue.

This year Rutherfurd is partnering with Panther Valley Ecumenical Church and CASA. Please bring a donation of a book and or pajamas for children ages infant – 18 y/o.  The donated items will be given to those in need this holiday season.

Rutherfurd Hall

Historic mansion visited by FDR open for tours every Wednesday at 11am, 12pm and 1pm. Concerts are free to the public with a recommended donation of $10, Tea & Talk lecture series, Film Night, summer camps and more.

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