St. Theodore's Annual Tricky Tray | Explore Warren


St. Theodore's Annual Tricky Tray

Saturday, December 7, 2019 -
9:30am to 3:30pm

St Theodore's Annual Tricky Tray is to be held at Mansfield Elementary School. Door open at 9:30am and the drawing begins at 11:45am. General Admission: $10 / person (Includes one sheet level 1 tickets) or reserve a table for 10 for $100 by Nov. 15th (Includes admission & one sheet level 1 tickets for 10)

Pre-Sale Ticket Bundle: $25 each by Nov. 15th (ticket bundle includes the following prize tickets: 3 small, 4 medium, 3 large, 1 grand) ONLY available pre-sale, not at door

For more information, contact (908)313-0081

Adults Only - No one under the age of 18 admitted. This event will raise funds to support our parish expenses